Friday, October 19, 2007

Ghostly Reflections

1. How old do you think you'll be when you die?
As old as I will get

2. How will you die?

3. What will your last words be?
Oh shit!

4. What will your epitaph read?
Am I there yet?

5. Any parts of your body you wouldn't donate?
My knees. Who would want them?

6. What song will be played at your funeral?
Freewill by Rush

7. Cremated, buried or "other"?
Cremated. Ashes scattered from the summit of Harney Peak in the Black Hills.

8. If you could take one thing with you to the "next life", what would it be?
All I need is love

9. If you could take one person with you, whether they like it or not, who would it be?
I would never...

10. Supposing they existed, do you think you'd end up in heaven or hell?
My vision of heaven...with no pain, fear, care or worry, a stopover after purgatory and before the next life...but no angels sitting about on clouds, pearly gates or saints...much too boring.

11. If you could haunt any one place, where would it be?
Black Hills

12. If you could haunt any one person, who would it be?

13. What type of ghost would you be?
Beautiful invisible

14. You've been given the chance to send one message back to the land of the living. What does it say?
Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty